Jess, Brad & Maddison's Natural Family Portraits at Kuitpo Forest

After capturing Jess & Brad's beautiful wedding in October this year, I was thrilled to use their engagement session to capture some beautiful, natural family photos after things quietened down a little. (Just in time for Christmas too!)

Getting up for a sunrise photography session is a little bit like exercise. It can be reeeeeeally hard to find the motivation to get there, but once you do, you feel amazing and the results speak for themselves! (That's the case for me anyway, haha!) Waking up at 5am to make it to Kuitpo forrest for the family session was a little tough on all of us. But as I saw the yolkiest orange sun gently glowing through the haze of the early morning amongst the quiet of a near deserted and beautiful location... I knew we'd made the right decision, and that the shoot was going to be soooo beautiful!

Big thanks to Jess, Brad and their absolutely gorgeous, happy daughter Maddison for going on an early morning adventure with me. I hope you love your photos! xx


Photos: Sarah (Little Car Photography)
Location: Kuitpo Forrest